An NGO for widows in India, Pyari Maa Foundation is opening doors to happiness

An NGO for widows in India, Pyari Maa Foundation is looking after the health and overall well-being of widows living in less developed areas of Vrindavan and other parts of India. Abandoned widows are deprived of a stable, growing environment where they can become self-reliant and make their mark in the male-reigning society. 

Pyari Maa Foundation, an NGO for women in India, are looking for ways through which they can bring happiness in the lives of widows of Vrindavan. We believe that the need of the hour is to prepare widows for an independent life.

Pyari Maa Foundation, an NGO for widows in India, is guiding young widows and encouraging them to develop their interests, recognize their hidden talents, and also to make them explore the sky full of opportunities. 

Through our initiatives and programs, we, at Pyari Maa Foundation, an NGO for women in India, are fostering employability and empowering young widows living in marginalized communities.

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