Elder Care Homes

Ways To Help A Widowed Friend

Whether the loss has come unexpectedly or after a prolonged illness, losing a spouse is the most heart breaking feeling anyone can deal with. Even though, there are many people looking forward to extend the helping hand, a very few know the right way to approach a friend consumed by such overwhelming grief. In case you too are struggling with how to help a widowed friend, you may take the help of our Elder Care Homes in Vrindavan. Also, we are giving some suggestions to try. Read on:

Instead of asking, suggest ways to help:

If you ask her if she needs your help, you’re likely to receive the standard response “ No thanks, I’ll manage”. Also, people dealing with such traumatic situations often have no idea what they actually need. So, to help her out, rather than asking if she needs your help, try: Can I join you for lunch tomorrow? I will bring along your favourite curry, is that okay with you?

Just the phrasing can make a lot of difference.

Offer compassion, not pity:

This can be tough as there is a fine line between the two. There’s no point in asking or discussing the same thing again and again. So every time you visit her, you don’t have to remind her that how bad you feel for her loss. Instead, talk about her present life, children, work etc. In short, have normal and routine conversations. Such people deserves to be with someone. Maybe, they will be able to combat with loneliness living in Elder Care Homes.

Understand her signals:

If she’s giving you signals that she does not want to talk about her spouse, respect that! There are a lot of people doing that with her every now and then already. Don’t feel bad if she refuses to talk to you about her spouse. in fact, change the topic of discussion so that she begins to feel normal in your company. Our Elder Care Homes in Vrindavan will help you in getting the things right.

In case you know an abandoned old widow, suggest her about Elder Care Homes In Vrindavan or Mother’s Home Care In Vrindavan working towards taking care of elderly mother.

View Source:https://www.pyarimaafoundation.org/elder-care-homes/

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