Being an NGO for widows in India, Pyari Maa Foundation ensures no more suffering for widows

ngo for women in india

The suffering of women tends to increase if they happen to be widows in the land of India. They have to go through the pain and torment in the male-dominated society. Moreover, the widows of Vrindavan and other backward areas of India are waiting for that day when someone will come into their lives with a ray of hope and motivation so that they can live their life in a better way than ever. 

Our NGO for widows in India, Pyari Maa Foundation is aiming to provide vocational skills and training to impoverished widows residing in marginalized communities of India. Also, health is a major issue in the backward areas where there is a lack of medical facilities available for the widows. Therefore, Our NGO for women in India provides free of cost medical facilities to heal chronic diseases and minor ailments.

 We believe that by drawing the attention of people towards the plight of widows living in marginalized communities of India.
  Let widows soar high with the support of our NGO for widows in India, Pyari Maa Foundation

Due to the lack of knowledge and skills, widows often have to face hardships in their life. Most of the widows are thrown into the world of beggary or servitude and young widows are sold into the cruel world where sexual exploitation and child trafficking is a common activity. 

Our NGO for widows in India, Pyari Maa Foundation enables the widows with financial and emotional support along with helping them in breaking the cycle of poverty. Not only we help the widows but also we send their children to school for educational development. Furthermore, we let the widows soar high in the sky of happiness and contentment and eventually, they find their voice in society. 

Our efforts have changed the fortune of many disadvantaged ones and it is just an initial step and we have to travel miles for more positive results in the lives of widows.

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