Mission and Vision

Vision:Our desire to help widows of Vrindavan to give them a life full of pride and honour comes under our mission and vision | Vrindavan.

Mission statement :

To contribute towards the improvement in the quality of living standard of the widows of Vrindavan.

  • To empower the widows, deserted, and destitute women so that they can become self-reliant in every way.
  • To provide women with adequate food, thereby ending their battle against hunger.
  • To provide them opportunities for working in a safe and healthy environment.
  • To equip abandoned widows with informal training and knowledge and prepare them for better life ahead.
  • To make them a catalyst for revolutionary changes in their own lives as well as in the lives of helpless women living in communities.
  • To support marginalized widows of India so that they can regain their foot in male-dominating society.
  • To make them aware of their legal and social rights so that they can raise their voice against any injustice done to them. 

Our Values :

Whatever we do, we always strive to stick to our core values.
Dignity and respect


  • As per the survey reports of the Indian bar association on 6,047 respondents in 2017, around 70% of women hesitate in reporting sexual harassment by superiors due to the fear of repercussions.
  • National Crime Records Bureau has slotted “insult to modesty of women” under section 509 of the IPC. It also includes harassment at workplaces.NCRB reported sexual harassment cases in different years-

      2014- 57 cases

      2015- 119 cases

      2016- 539 cases

      2017- 570 cases

      2018- 965 cases

There are more than 30 million widows in India.

Every 4th household in India has a widow.

Widows comprise almost 10% of the population in India.

In every 43 minutes, a woman is kidnapped in India.

As per the Delhi Police Report, the year 2018 accounts for 2,043 rape cases, and 2017 accounts for 2,059 cases.

In 2018, 3,175 molestation cases were registered.

A woman is raped every 13 minutes in India.50% of the widows in India are over 50 years of age. Many are married and became widows while they were still young girls. Still, people blame many widows for their husband’s death.

A report by the United Nations Population Fund found the number of people over 60 years in India will increase from around 100 million (approx.) to more than 324 million by 2050.

View Source:https://www.pyarimaafoundation.org/mission-and-vision/

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