

Pyari Maa Foundation, An NGO doing charity for India is putting efforts with all enthusiasm, comforts the widows with the supply of most essential and critical requirements. Thus, keeping our focus areas in mind, we can continuously provide aid to the widows.

  • Giving back to society is of much importance than anything else. Pyari Maa Foundation provides clean andHealthy food daily to the widows of Vrindavan. Additionally, we make the widows, and elder mothers focus on their immune systems. With the help of a strong immune system, you can easily keep yourself fit and healthy.
  • Pyari Maa Foundation conducts regular health camps. Being an NGO for widows, Pyari Maa Foundation believes that health assessment is mandatory for the widows of Vrindavan. It’s better to diagnose critical medical issues at the initial stage rather than waiting for the unhappenings.
  • Pyari Maa Foundation trains the people who aid the widowsat Vrindavan.

Pyari Maa Foundation helps the widows in redeeming their lives with dignity and respect. Financial and emotional exploitation of widows and abandoned woman has become a common thing nowadays. Maybe, all this happens because of the degrading values in society. Therefore, we became the helping hand for such people who have suffered a lot in this cruel world.

Pyari Maa Foundation is aiming to improve the social and economic status of widows along with providing them with human rights, medical facilities and nutrition.

Being an NGO for widows in Vrindavan, Pyari Maa Foundation conducts cleanliness drives to make the people understand about the importance of cleanliness for a healthy life.

Pyari Maa Foundation is striving to help needy women by doing charity for India. Hopefully, we will be able to make a big contribution to the lives of helpless widows and abandoned women.

What we do?

Pyari Maa Foundation makes efforts with all enthusiasm, comforts the widows with supply of most essential and critical requirements. Thus as our focus areas states we are able to continuously provide aid to the widows.

Pyari Maa Foundation provides clean and healthy food on a daily basis to the widows of Vrindavan.

The organization conducts regular health camps.

Pyari Maa Foundation trains the people who aid the widows at Vrindavan.

Major needs of women in Vrindavan:
Ration card
Train the trainers
Health care

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