An NGO for widows in India is fighting violence by being together

Being an NGO for widows in India, Pyari Maa Foundation contributes a safe planet for young widows to talk over the violence they endure every day. Besides this, our associates encourage widows to report instances of verbal or any kind of abuse and deliver moral as well as legal support to fight against the ill-minded people of society. 

Gender, inequality, and domestic violence against widows in India affect the lives of one and all, regardless of age or gender. Speaking one's mind is the first and one of the most crucial steps to Ending Violence against Women in India. 

Our NGO for women in India is formulating policies and making every possible effort to endow less privileged mothers with all the blessings of life. Furthermore, Pyari Maa Foundation is looking after deprived widows of Vrindavan living in marginalized areas. 

Our purpose is to concentrate on problems of abandoned and destitute widows who have withstood a lot due to the cruel people of society. 

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