An NGO for widows in India, Pyari Maa Foundation is helping abandoned widows affected by unfortunate circumstances

An NGO for widows in India, Pyari Maa Foundation is going the extra mile to raise the living standard of abandoned widows trying to survive amidst the fetters of purgatories and poverty. Not only we can see that they have lived their life till now in tough times, but also we have felt their pain now and then.

Can't we leave our selfishness at backbench and proceed further in the direction of making selfless efforts for others? Aren't we should come forward and be the life turner for those widows who have made suffering their habit? My opinion is, yes, we can leave our selfishness, and be the life turner in the lives of widows by helping them in getting rid of their sufferings. All it takes is the desire to serve the needy widows should take birth in the heart. Some NGOs are burning the midnight oil to support the widows of Vrindavan, but the question is- Is that enough or more people should join the league? Being an NGO for widows in India, Pyari Maa Foundation has joined the league from the beginning, and it has tried and tested many ways to help them. They achieved success in serving many unfortunate widows of Vrindavan.

Pyari Maa Foundation, an NGO for widows in India, is living its dream of serving widows of Vrindavan and different underprivileged parts of India

We, at Pyari Maa Foundation, an NGO for widows in India, believe that we are marching towards creating a sensitized society where the aged and abandoned widows can spend the rest of their life with pride and respect. We are living our dream of lending the winsome support to the abandoned widows of Vrindavan. Although we have changed the lives of thousands of widows, we think that our journey has just started, and still, the destination lies somewhere far away from us.


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